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Daytona Beach Injury Attorneys | Call 24/7 386-333-6613

What Can I Do if I'm Hurt Due to Inadequate Security?


Every time you enter an office building, a restaurant, or shopping mall, you are counting on the property manager or owner to uphold safety standards and keep you out of harm’s way. When a property owner fails to implement and maintain appropriate security measures, you can be seriously hurt. In the same way your home is more susceptible to intrusion when you opt not to install an alarm system, instances of battery, assault, robbery, and other violent offenses have been known to occur when a location is not properly secured.

Such offenses can create significant personal suffering for victims, which is only compounded by medical expenses, lost wages, and other financial consequences that can result from a violent attack. In such cases, the property owner or manager may be liable for the damage done.

How to Handle Injuries Resulting from Negligent Security

If you have been assaulted, robbed, or otherwise harmed because of a lack of proper security, you can file a premises liability suit against the responsible party. In order to make a successful case, you and your personal injury lawyer will need to prove that the injuries in question occurred as a direct result of the property owner or manager’s negligence. If you are able to do so, you may be able to demand compensation for damages, including intangible damages such as pain and suffering. At Politis & Matovina, P.A., we are ready to get started building your case right away and help you work toward getting the compensation you need to recover and move on.

If Negligent Security Caused Your Injury, Call Immediately

Whether you are injured in a grocery store, gated community, retail shop, or college dorm, let our experienced team of Daytona Beach premises liability attorneys help you make your case. We have won hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients during the life of our practice, and we are prepared to roll up our sleeves and help you work toward getting the compensation you deserve.

Call us at (386) 333-6613 or send us a message to schedule your free case evaluation today.