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Do I Really Need to Wear a Helmet?

close up of a full-face motorcycle helmet sitting on the motorcycle seat

Motorcycle accidents are a common occurrence on the road. According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), there were 5,579 fatal motorcycle crashes in 2020 (a ten-year high), and less than 70% of riders were wearing a helmet at the time of the crash. While many riders choose not to wear helmets because they feel restrictive, wearing a helmet can actually save your life in the event of an accident.

Helmet Use Statistics in Motorcycle Crashes

The National Safety Council (NSC) shares these statistics about motorcycle helmet use:

  • Overall helmet use has decreased by 8.6% since 2018.
  • Despite a record number of motorcyclist deaths in 2020, helmet use decreased in 2021.
  • Wearing a helmet is expected to be about 41% effective at preventing fatal head injuries for passengers, compared to 37% for operators.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also reports that more than 25,000 lives were saved from 2002 to 2017 because of helmet use.

The Benefits of Wearing a Helmet

The primary benefit of wearing a helmet is that it protects the rider from sustaining serious head injuries in the event of an accident. In addition to protecting the head, helmets also help to protect the face and eyes from debris. Wearing a helmet can also help reduce noise levels, making it easier for riders to hear traffic around them.

There are many reasons why riders choose not to wear helmets, but the most common reason is that they find them to be hot and uncomfortable. However, newer helmet designs have addressed this issue by incorporating features like ventilation systems that help keep riders cool. Additionally, many states have laws that require riders to wear helmets, so it is important to be aware of the laws in your state.

Florida Motorcycle Crash Attorneys

The attorneys at Politis & Matovina, P.A. have handled countless motorcycle accident cases throughout Florida, and we are dedicated to ensuring that injured victims can seek justice. If your crash was caused by a negligent driver, call (386) 333-6613 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your legal options.